Single variable models
- The picture on the right illustrates the connection between profitability (ROA %) and default risk - for example, as the picture shows, bankruptcy or default risks of companies with positive ROA % stay rather low, but right below the zero, the risk function gets steeper.
- Risk estimations are based on Finnish default and bankruptcy data and financial statements data of nearly 200 000 companies.
- Companies are grouped to large enough groups to make the risk estimates statistically significant.
- However, like the two variable model below strongly shows, the one variable model gives only a limited view on bankcruptcy risk, and that is why Valuatum system also uses models with two or more variables.
Multiple variable models
- Multiple variable model gives more accurate bankruptcy and payment default risk estimations than single variable models
- Any key figures and ratios can be used in the model
- Development of the risk of the examined company can also be illustrated in the graph
- For example, (see the graph on the right), bankruptcy risk of companies with the same profitabilty (ROA %) level can actually vary a lot depending on their solvency (Equity ratio), and even companies with poor profitability can have low bankcruptcy risk if they have high solvency.
Risk by components
- Valuatum system estimates overall bankcruptcy and default risks using several selected components to ensure best possible accuracy
- Overall statistical backruptcy risk can be divided to components
- Easy to interpret graph illustrates which factors have an influence on the bankruptcy risk of the company, and shows how strong the influence is compared to other factors
Industry risk
- The system also calculates the bankruptcy risk estimates for industries based on Finnish default and bankruptcy data and financial statements data
- The industry risk level can be taken into account when estimating the bankruptcy risk of a certain company.
Automated estimation of bankruptcy risk