Valuatum Credit Risk Analysis Software

Valuatum Credit Risk solution is a cost efficient financial statement analysis tool to standardize the credit research and rating processes of listed and non-listed companies. Our platform supports both fully automatized and semi-automatized credit risk analysis.

  • Produces graphs and key figures from the financial statement data available in our database
  • Currently our database consists of financial statements of nearly 200 000 Finnish companies (source: Bisnode Finland)
  • External (customer's own or third party) data can also be imported to our system

Credit Risk Platform



Key Features of our Credit Risk Solution

Company Views - overview on the financial position of a company

  • Comprehensive outlook into the financial position of a company
  • Layout and content of the pages can be modified - choose the figures and graphs you want to use
  • The system generates future estimates automatically for the income statement and balance sheet based on the given rules
  • All future estimates as well as historical figures can be changed by the user
  • Find more about Company Views

Company Views

Comparisons - tools for peer group analysis

  • Compare the key figures of selected companies in scatters and rankings-lists
  • You can choose any financial parameters you want to the comparison
  • You can create your own company lists for comparison
  • You can limit the set of companies in the scatters or rankings-lists by industry
  • Find more about Comparison tools 




Default and bankruptcy risk modeling

  • Built-in default and bankruptcy risk models
  • Statistical methods are used to determine the probability of default or bankruptcy
  • The statistical modelling is based on the key figures calculated from the financial statement data
  • The picture on the right illustrates the connection between profitability (ROA %) and default risk. It is based on Finnish default and bankruptcy data and financial statements data of nearly 200 000 companies.
  • Find more about Default and bankruptcy risk modelling


 default risk